23/06/2024 às 15:12

What to Ask a New Client about Their Social Media Presence

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You’ve got a new client and are excited to create a winning social media marketing strategy! But, wait. Let’s stop right here. Have you got all the details you need to prepare a social media strategy? How are you going to access the client’s social media accounts, their data? What do they really want? 

Blindly creating content and strategy will only get you so far. In the end, you will have an unhappy client. You only have limited time for every client, so you can’t go back and forth over every single detail. So, how do you make sure you are not wasting your precious time and have all the details you need to start working? 

The answer: A questionnaire.

Whether you work as an individual or a digital branding company, a questionnaire is an inevitable part of the process. We’ve prepared a list of the most important questions you should ask your social media marketing clients before you start working. Sending this questionnaire will allow you to get answers to all your questions in one go. It will free up your time, and you will have more time to plan your strategy. 

So, let’s see what are the best marketing questions to ask a cient. 

Tell us about your business and target audience

Unless you have worked with the client in the past, this is the first question you must ask. 

Of course, you should also do your research on clients, but it is essential to understand their business from their perspective to satisfy their needs. Brand voice is vital to social media. The more you know about their business, the better you will adapt to their brand’s voice and resonate with their audience.

Social media platforms are a good way to reach every audience. That doesn’t mean you need to reach everyone. Not everyone is a customer. Knowing about the client’s target audience will help you know what kind of social media marketing channels and content you should use to reach the audience.

Knowing about the client’s social media marketing metrics and target audience will help you know what kind of social media marketing channels and content you should use to reach the audience.

Figure out their demographics, psychographics, including brands they follow, etc. If you want to reach professionals and CEOs, LinkedIn would be a good choice instead of Instagram. The more you know about the target audience, the better content you will be able to create. 

What social media platforms do you use?

The content you create will differ according to the platform. Content that works on Instagram won’t work on LinkedIn.

Do a thorough content audit of your client’s social media. What kind of content they are missing? What content is getting the most engagement? Some examples of content are videos, reels, stories, and text posts. Do they want to add new platforms to expand their business reach? If yes, then what platforms? 

This answer to this question will give you a clear idea of where to focus your efforts.

Social media is full of noise. With millions of businesses competing with each other every day, you need to stand out from the noise to get the attention of people. 

Asking this question will help you understand what story you will tell on social media. It will form a base for creating your post, messaging, personality, and marketing content. You can also ask these additional questions: 

  • What separates your products and services from competitors?
  • What is unique about you that attracts users? 

What's holding you back from achieving success?

Every business faces one challenge or another. By asking this question, you will get insights into what challenges they face with marketing on social media. The problem can be anything from lack of proper content to lower engagement to paid ads. Knowing what problems are holding them back from achieving their goals will help you come up with solutions. 

To start working with the client, you will need their basic information, such as accounts and brand assets. Having all the brand graphic assets will help you create mockups to easily generate social media posts for the client a few times a day. You need to know who will post on their social media handle. If your client wants you to post on their social media accounts, you will need admin access.

Some clients don’t want anyone to have access to their accounts, so you will need to be very clear about how your work will be delivered. 

What type of content do you need and when?

Social media is all about content. To know the content needs of your client, you will need to ask questions such as:

  • What type of content do they need, e.g. videos, text posts, polls, etc? 
  • How often do they want to publish content? 
  • What type of messages do they want to post?

This question will help you determine the resources you have available to work with the client and find opportunities to help them grow.

In addition to creating a questionnaire, a great way to get in touch with your target audience can be achieved through Reddit. The platform is well known for people looking for answers and getting the information that cannot be found anywhere else. Reddit marketing service can positively influence your brand reputation online and increase your sales at the same time.

Not knowing what your clients expect from you can blur the lines and cause issues. Want to know what your client expects from you? Simple. Ask them. 

A large part of managing your client’s satisfaction will come from managing their expectations. Finding out what your client expects will help you to deliver what they actually want. Moreover, if you think your client’s expectations are not reasonable, be sure to clear this up before starting the work. 

How do you intend to measure ROI?

At the end of the day, you can’t demonstrate success unless you know how to measure it. How will you measure whether your strategy was successful? Unless your client is very new to social media, they will have tools that gather some data on how they measure their ROI, what’s working for them, and what isn’t. Make it clear what the tools, goals, and metrics are.

Communication is vital to the success of any relationship, and the same goes for agencies and clients. 

Social media marketing is a long-term game. Chances are, you will be working with the client for 6 months or longer. In such cases, you will need to know how to contact them and when. To have this clearly laid out,

  • Will you be communicating once a week, every day?
  • Where will communication take place?
  • What are the preferred channels: emails, phone calls, software like Trello, Asana, or something else?

Wrapping Up

Congratulations! Now, you have all the answers you need to craft a successful social media strategy for your client’s business, and the best marketing questions to ask a client.

Asking clients these questions before starting the work will free up your time and make a good impression on the client.

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