14/06/2023 às 14:12

Video Marketing Guide: How Videos Can Increase Your Sales

5min de leitura

If you are here, you are looking for different ways of increasing sales on your eCommerce store, right? The perfect video marketing strategy can be the answer you want.

There’s nothing new about video marketing but the way it has evolved and is being used is certainly something new. It is one of the most effective strategies to boost business revenue.

Video marketing, when used strategically in the eCommerce arena, can:

  • transform potential consumers into loyal ones
  • attract prospective customers
  • introduce customers to eCommerce brand

eCommerce is all about selling and buying products online. And when people buy products online, they want to see everything that they are getting. And there’s nothing that can tell the story of a product or a service better than an engaging and interesting video.

Prospective buyers fall in love with products when they see the way they work and why the other buyers are raving about the same. Here are some ways to use videos to boost eCommerce sales.

Start with Top Quality Product Videos

Here, it becomes important for you to use free video editing software that offers templates that allow users to show off their product shots in videos. Taking product shots from varied angles will improve conversion rates and even increase traffic on your site when you embed the same video on your website.

Remember, prospective buyers always want to see videos of products that make them feel as if they are holding the product in their hands. By using close-up product videos, you can zoom in on products and display their specific features to the viewers.

You can even use such videos to demonstrate the functionalities of a product or show off the product from varied angles. These videos are highly effective because they do not leave anything to the imagination of the buyers.

Short Marketing Visuals Are Crucial

You don’t have to have a complete video production team or fancy camera to make good quality marketing visuals. It has become easier than ever to create superior quality videos using a smartphone or a computer in these present times.

To create short personalized videos in bulk with minimum cost, turnaround time, and errors, leverage a video automation platform.

Your short marketing video can have common questions and their answers or customers talking about the features that make your brand exclusive. You can even announce the launch of a brand new product in these videos.

Similar to planning out content marketing, you can even plan your video marketing with an offer, a script, and a plan to share the content. Most of the time, authentic, short, and concise videos work better than long and boring videos when it comes to gaining the trust of potential clients.

Remember, all that glitters is not gold. There’s no need for all those glitters and accessories. Just plain, simple stuff is enough to create a brand presentation through a video.

Add an Attractive Video to Your Website’s Homepage

Try including dynamic but not overwhelming videos on the homepage of your site and even throughout your site wherever you think it will do a good job. This will help you make a good first impression in front of the visitors on your site and help you serve attention-grabbing CTAs to the audience.

Incorporating videos on a site will increase the dwell time of the viewers on a site, which will naturally show in the conversion of your site traffic and increased sales as well.

Use How-To or Product Tutorial Videos

Potential and current customers can greatly benefit from product tutorials or how-to videos. These videos help businesses show the new customers the right way of using a certain product, its advantages, and so on.

Brands can even address questions related to the use of certain products in product tutorial videos. While product overview videos show off the benefits and features of products in wide and broad strokes, the tutorials demonstrate the way customers can perform different tasks using the product. There are step-by-step instructions available for the customers to follow.

Such videos are highly effective for skeptical buyers fearful of being disappointed by major marketing claims. Product tutorial videos show such customers how they can achieve specific goals using a certain product. As such, they are one of the most powerful ways of convincing skeptical buyers to buy a product.

Do Not Forget Animated Videos

For small businesses without a huge budget to hire actors to feature in their videos or those who do not like to be in their own videos, animated visuals can do the trick. These are colorful and fun videos that instantly catch the customers’ attention.

Share Social Media Videos

Various social media platforms have made it simpler for businesses to gain exposure and reach for their products and services throughout. But there’s a special catch in creating videos that are specifically posted on social media platforms.

First of all, the different social media channels like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter have their own algorithms when it comes to sharing videos. They restrict the reach of non-native videos shared through external sources.

Therefore, it becomes important for businesses to upload videos natively. And yes, there’s another important thing to keep in mind, and that is maintaining the exclusiveness of your video.

While having one common video posted on different channels is tempting, it might not help brands lure more audiences. Of course, you will grab viewers on Facebook with a certain video made per the Facebook algorithm, but the same video will not result in desired results on Instagram or Twitter.

It is always best to tailor videos for the audiences in varied channels.

Bottom Line

Going live is the trend these days. Live streaming videos present the brands and businesses online with this ideal scope of real-time engagement with their audiences and prospective buyers.

More and more brands are using live videos to show off new products, offer detailed insight into their business, and invite influencers to demonstrate the use of their products live.

Thus, it should be a no-brainer for the eCommerce stores when investing in videos or video marketing. After all, it has a plethora of advantages on offer, including an increase in conversions. Just focus on the type of videos that can bring in business and get going with the job.

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video eCommerce marketing

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